WASHINGTON — The flag-draped coffin of Bob Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, was protected in plastic to guard it from punctures from a stable rainfall as it was sustained a horse-drawn caisson to his final relaxing place at Arlington Nationwide Graveyard. Later, his widow, Annie, provided a hug on the face to the Underwater who provided her with the folded-up banner.
Glenn, who passed away Dec. 8 at age 95, was set to relax Friday in a private funeral at Arlington joined by family members and welcomed visitors. His members of the family planned the support for what would have been Bob and Annie Glenn's 74th birthday.
John Glenn Laid to Rest Four Months After His Loss of life 0:48
The former martial artist lead, history-making astronaut and long time Democratic U.S. senator from Oh had already been kept in mind in his house condition, with a procession through the heart of town center Columbus and a funeral support that attracted approximately 2,500 people, such as then-Vice Chief executive Joe Biden.
Thousands of the bereaved also frequented his coffin as it lay in repose at the Oh Statehouse for a greater timespan than killed Chief executive Abraham Lincoln subsequently and others in the past.
Those close to members of the family members said they experienced a sense of responsibility in enabling people to indicate Glenn's moving with the Oh events, but Thursday's funeral support was designed as a more personal grieving. It was shut to people and the press, although the army created part of it available for watching via livestream.
Annie Glenn, 97, used a red outfit and held a single red increased as she sat under a covering at the gravesite, next to the couple's two children, Bob David and Carolyn. She talked with obvious comfort to the Underwater who provided her the banner, and their encounters nearly moved before growing a hug on him.
Six Underwater pallbearers in outfit outfits taken Glenn's coffin to the gravesite and set it down before carefully foldable the banner. A army trumpeter performed "Taps," Marine corps shot three ceremonial units from their guns and the bereaved recited the Twenty third Psalm. No one from members of the family members created any comments during the part of the support that was livestreamed.
Glenn's revolutionary Mercury 7 flight in 1962 created him an immediate national idol. He became most well-known man wide when he came back onboard the place shuttle service Finding in 1998 at age 77.
He had many achievements outside of his career as an astronaut. He went 149 tasks as a Underwater martial artist lead in World War II and The philipines, split the transcontinental air speed record, provided 24 years in the U.S. Us senate and established the Bob Glenn College of Community Matters at Oh State School.
In Glenn's respect, Chief executive Brian Trump requested banners at government organizations and organizations traveled at half-staff Friday, and Oh Gov. Bob Kasich did the same at public reasons and structures across Glenn's house condition.
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