{BAY AREA|S . FRANSISCO} -- Adam Warren, who wears a smile as often when he {will|does indeed} an uniform, {could be the|might be the|can be the} most polite man in {football|hockey|snowboarding}. When he was {delivered to|brought to|provided for} the minors after tossing six shutout innings as a rookie, he would not grumble. When this individual was booted from the Yankees' rotation in 2015 despite {getting the|obtaining the} lowest {Electronic|At the|Elizabeth}. R. A. among the team's starters, he {do|performed|would} not grouse.
So when Warren, who was {valued|cherished|revered} by the Chicago Cubs last winter for his versatility, was returned to the Yankees in {This summer|Come july 1st|September} after several erratic {weeks|a few months|several weeks}, it was easy to expect an innocuous answer.
Instead, Warren paused several seconds, considering his thoughts. "I have {a great deal|a whole lot} of opinions on why it didn't go well, " he said. "I think, mainly, I never really had {an arranged|an established|a placed} role. It's tough because I pride myself on my versatility, but not really knowing {when you are|if you are} {arriving|approaching} in -- that was your hardest thing, the unpredictability. "
He added: "It's hard to {put together|make} to go {in to the|in the} game unless you know {if you're|most likely|you aren't} going in. "
{Football|Hockey|Snowboarding} players, perhaps more than some other athletes, are creatures of habit. {Intended for|To get|Pertaining to} six months, their {routine|program|strategy} varies little every day: what time they leave for the ballpark, what time they take playing baseball practice, what {sorts|varieties} of clothes to pack.
{In the event that|In the event|If perhaps} there is one thing clear about Joe Maddon, the Cubs' flower-child hipster of a manager -- what other manager {frequently|consistently|regularly} says "groovy"? -- it is that he has little use for many of baseball's conventions.
{By no means|Under no circumstances|Hardly ever} mind the penguins, pythons and mariachi bands that intermittently inhabit his clubhouses, it is Maddon's unwillingness to let the game's tenets go unchallenged that has made him the embodiment of the modern manager within an {period|time|age} when the game has been redefined by record analysis.
Last season, this individual often batted his glass pitcher eighth. This season, this individual is using relief pitchers to play left field. He often cancels playing baseball practice, reasoning that {past due|overdue|later} in the season, {the one thing|the sole thing|the single thing} it will accomplish is wearing his players away.
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